In the interview, I talk about the topic of the exhibition, which is my interest in addressing this topic, and how it is related to my personal life, either by the fact of belonging to a family with different origins (in which one is Croatian) but also by the fact of living now abroad.
As a highlight, I might say that the experience of the exhibition at the House of Europe in Zagreb, organized by Tuga Tarle, member of Udruga OS, has been a beautiful opportunity to express my gratitude to my Croatian roots. It is symbolically relevant to return to the land of my grandfather bringing back his experience as an immigrant in Chile as a way to open the contemporary political debate in a more human (so more sensitive and sensible) level.
Life always surprises us by its unexpected ways.
You can listen to it on this link: Interview to Verónica Arís Zlatar
Other links you may be interested in:
The opening of the exhibition 'Faces of Hope: Stories of Immigration'.
The exhibition 'Faces of Hope: Stories of Immigration'.
Preparation of the exhibition 'Faces of Hope: Stories of Immigration'.
The drawing project on Immigration.
Other links you may be interested in:
The opening of the exhibition 'Faces of Hope: Stories of Immigration'.
The exhibition 'Faces of Hope: Stories of Immigration'.
Preparation of the exhibition 'Faces of Hope: Stories of Immigration'.
The drawing project on Immigration.